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June 25, 2018 3 min read

7 Basic Décor Principles That Never Go out of Style

Design PrinciplesHome design is a world of ever-changing trends, passing fads and stylish looks that embellish homes around the globe. Yet, in that world of transient trends, there are a few constants that seem to have overcome the limits of time, becoming all-time classics. And by embracing these décor principles that have classic appeal, any design enthusiast can elevate their home décor to a timeless value.

Layered and stylish lighting is a must
Living Room

Having a major effect on the general home ambience, lighting is one of the most important design elements. Layered, functional and stylish lighting solutions can help you create the perfect atmosphere in your home, combining functionality with aesthetic appeal. Finding the most appropriate lighting solutions for your home is one of the basic design principles that can completely transform your space. While different types of lighting can enhance your home ambience and support different functions of your rooms, beautiful fixtures can elevate your home décor and create a luxurious vibe.

A neutral colour scheme for a timeless backdrop
Neutral Color Scheme

Neutral shades are one of the most popular options for elegant colour schemes in interior design. Regardless of a style, they create a stunning backdrop to other design details, allowing them to truly shine. Furthermore, layers of neutrals can create a lush look that exudes subtlety and sophistication, which makes them one of the all-time classics.

The antique beauty of a vintage area rug
Antique Rug

Area rugs are one of the most popular home embellishments that provides you with an opportunity to introduce intricate patterns, enticing colours and mesmerising designs to your home. Antique area rugs, in particular, have gained a timeless status, filling both modern and traditional homes with a sense of antiquity. If you have an antique rug tucked away somewhere, you can bring its design back to life and preserve its artisan appeal.

Soaking tubs bring elegance and indulgence
Soaking Tub

As another element with a timeless value, soaking tubs have been popular for centuries, introducing a touch of luxury to both modern and traditional homes. Of course, their style has slightly evolved from their former deep and small design. Nowadays, introducing an elegant and modern free standing bath to your bathroom can help you create a classic atmosphere of elegance and a spa-like vibe that will allow you to indulge yourself for the years to come. Their subtle design of clean lines gives them a timeless value that will never go out of style.

Rich, quality materials are king
Rich Material Surya

When you think about the crème de la crème of interior materials, wood and marble always come to mind. Hardwood floors hold a supreme status in interior design, working perfectly with any possible interior style you can think of. As for marble, it’s an emblem of opulence and one of the most popular options for kitchen countertops, bathroom flooring, tile design and other elegant details. Of course, several other materials also deserve to be on the list, including copper, leather and slate. Owing to their exquisite appeal and durability, these materials are certainly investments worth making.

Artwork as a high-style embellishment

Interior walls are almost never left empty in interior design and artwork is almost always the embellishment. Whether your home features a modern or traditional design, you can always introduce your favourite pieces to create a wow effect. You can even go with contrasting styles if you want to give your space a unique style and your personal touch. Furthermore, the very arrangement of art pieces can create visual interest, allowing you to introduce stunning gallery walls, lean beautiful paintings against the wall or simply let a single work of art take the centre stage.

An elegant white kitchen goes without saying

A list of timeless décor principles and styles wouldn’t be complete without the forever-popular white kitchen design. A white kitchen exudes effortless beauty that can definitely overcome the limits set by time. When combined with marble and hardwood flooring, it truly gains sublime appeal that charms with its subtlety. Yet, although neutral and simple, a white kitchen design is certainly not boring or sterile, especially when embellished with tasteful details and impactful accessories. Another hidden charm of this kitchen design lies in the diversity of white shades, allowing you to bring this enticing whiteness to another, more elevated level.

These all-time design principles have rightfully earned their timeless status, making sure that they will never go out of style.


 Chole Taylor

Chloe is a graduated journalist from Adelaide and a regular contributor to Smooth Decorator. She loves everything related to decor, aesthetic and lifestyle topics. She is also passionate about photography. Her biggest dream is to travel the whole world and take some stunning photographs of beautiful places. Beside all this, she enjoys drinking coffee and reading a beautiful book from time to time.  

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