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May 08, 2018 2 min read

Thinking of Mother's Everywhere

A Day for Mothers in India

     I believe a mother’s love can be universal. Rug and Home is focused on helping women and children in remote parts of India where our rugs are crafted. A team of people from the USA is chosen every year to create awareness, volunteer and lend a hand with ground floor efforts there. We partner with doctors and schools to help improve the quality of life of the local people. Our goal is to provide more of an opportunity for these amazing people to branch out and create a future for themselves. I was one of four people chosen to attend the 2018 trip and I was excited to travel to one of the wildest places in the world.

Rug & Home trip to India

     The hospitality and warm welcome I received was nothing like what you would expect in the U.S. I was surrounded immediately by lovable children from the slums. They were jovial and persistent in getting my attention. The children were so close to me and in such a number that I could not walk much more than a step. My fellow volunteers were equally surrounded by children. This was my first real experience in India. This was one of many times that I was surrounded by lovable little ones. The children there will always be with me in my heart. It made me aware of how fortunate my children were to be born in a westernized country where clean water and electricity are common place. What I did not expect was the overwhelming love that I felt for the children there. I cried every day during my stay in India, I cried for the poverty that I was witnessing, for the culture that was suffering due to hunger, pollution, and neglect.

Children from India

     For me going to India was spreading my motherly love across continents. I fed slum children lunch, brought children at the school we support toys and sweets, taught them hygiene and gave countless hugs. In addition to children’s care we host a health camp targeted at women’s health. We offer cataract surgeries, gynecological care, and other healthcare we take for granted in the U.S. While at these health camps we treat everyone we possibly can, but we particularly strive to treat women and mother’s who often give up their chance at healthcare to someone else in their family.

Rug & Home Vision Works Health camp helping women

     To be the mother of a child in one of these places is extremely difficult. I have a great respect for the strong women who venture into motherhood in a place where providing proper medical care or clean water is not possible. I am so grateful that we at Rug and Home are helping these communities become a better place for mothers to raise their babies. These children are the world’s children, my children and yours. Thank you for helping to support them through Rug and Home.

Emily Perrone,

General Manager at Rug & Home Asheville, NC

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